Wednesday, September 16, 2009

pictures of well being built

so i am posting a few pictures from the well site, they are moving right along. just like the first well, they had to turn the water on for several hours to make for sure the water is clean and the water pressure is what it needs to be. and just like the first well the villagers were lining up to get as much clean water as possible, very excititing.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


we struck water!! they struck water yesterday, sooner than expected, which means they will finish it sooner than we thought and they will have clean water very soon!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

breaking ground

we have broke ground for our second well!!!! it should be finished by the end of the month or beginning of october. we have partnered with our church, victory world church in norcross, to build this well. we are putting it in an area that has little to no access to clean water. their main source of water comes from a river type body of water that is very dirty. there are some people who live on the banks of the water and you can only imagine what parts of their daily life is washed into the water that they and the surrounding villages are drinking. we are also in the process of taking on about 20 orphans from the village of tourou (our original village) to begin a new program. these are orphans for one reason or another, but they do not live in an orphanage, but are being taken care of by their extended family. as you can imagine taking on extra children is not very easy for those families. their biological children are top priority for food, education, and medical attention, so we are wanting to step in and provide for these children. we will be mirroring it after other organizations that are doing similar programs by getting people like you to "adopt" these children. i will post more info on this program as it begins to develop and if you are interested in this program now please let us know. we are super pumped about this new program, it could explode and change lives forever by providing basic essentials in life, food and knowledge.