Friday, October 2, 2009

new news

jace and mary met with the missions pastor at victory and we are planning a missions trip for july 2010 with about 15-20 people. one of the programs we are hoping to do is a program with UNICEF which would be huge. we have also been in contact with TOMS and they wanted to know if we would be interested in partnering with them for a shoe drop. i wanted to shout back, "of course we would!" so we are going to try and plan it for this summer along with the trip. there is some exciting things going on. we also just sent 15 orphans to school this week. because of donations we were able to pay for their entire year, all their books, supplies, book bag, uniform, and the tailor to make the uniforms. we are also getting ready to kick off an orphans program where people can adopt a child and pay for their food and medical care each month. if you are interested in being apart of this orphans program let me know or send this on to someone who you think would be interested. more to come.....

finished the well

the second well is finished!!! it is up and going and about 15,000 people or so are enjoying clean safe water in the village of sanson. way to go victory world church and way to go serge!