Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Living Love

I have been fasting for the last 12 days (I know the bible says I shouldn't tell someone I am fasting but rather anoint my head with oil you know like modern day cologne, tuck in my shirt and put on a big smile) but I tell you that not for the sake of simply telling you I am fasting in order for you to think "wow he is really spiritual" or "a super christian" because I am not. Really. I am weak, irritable, and really want a big cheeseburger. This blog is not about how spiritual I am and how everyone just needs to follow my lead. Quite opposite really. I didn't realize how religious I have become. I love Jesus and I love people but my gosh how I got so religious and didn't even realize it. You know that is such a powerful tool of Satan. I thought I was awesome. Look at me with this and look at me with that. Wow. Just pride. God I repent of that. God has shown me a few things in the last 12 days. Well several but I want to talk about one. The idea in itself is not hard or complicated or really profound but it is to me. It's about the idea of living love. It is exactly what Jesus told us to do. It is so easy to get so spiritually bloated so you can't even get off the couch. It is easy to gorge yourself on God's word and become what the bible talks about being only a hearer of the word and not a doer. It is so easy to question God. It is so easy to sit back and say "Jesus take my life" but not really mean it and it is so easy to remain idle because you are "waiting on God to direct your steps". What does that really mean? Absolutely you should seek God's plan for your life. Jeremiah states it pretty clearly in that God knows the plans he has for you, plans to give you a hope, future etc etc... But you know what? God also says we should feed the poor, clothe the naked, take care of widows and orphans etc. I think in the wake of my "sitting around waiting on God to direct my steps" God would be just fine with me doing things while seeking direction from him. After all, I would be doing what he tells me I should do right?. I think too many people are like me. They miss the boat completely and are so busy with their heads turned towards heaven, they forget to look down and see the opportunities we have to be Jesus to people right in front of us. I am learning to live love. I am just a pupil on this but the whole verse that I should daily die to myself and take up his cross really starts to make sense. On the note of livng love, here is a plug... (and there is only 8 people following this blog so I will know if you checked him out :)). I have a great friend named Drew. Drew launched an organization called Project Live Love here in ATL. This guy gets it. Check him out on facebook....http://www.facebook.com/pages/Project-Live-Love/105597662912?ref=ts


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