Thursday, July 22, 2010

you are making a difference!!!

Last week in the village of Tourou, location of our orphan sponsorship program, 15 children became very sick. 4 of the kids who became sick were in our orphan program and all of the 15 had to be taken to the local hospital. The illness was so serious that 5 of the children died, but our 4 children survived; in fact, they were some of the first released from the hospital. Our sponsors played a role in their recovery. You see, our sponsors each month provide food for their child, health check ups at the doctor, and medicine to protect their stomachs against illness, parasites, etc. They are also given each month a nutrition supplement that is high in vitamins and nutrients, and they are drinking clean water because of the well that we built in that village last year. Our orphans are becoming stronger and less and less malnourished, so when an illness comes on them, their bodies are able to fight back. In this situation, their four bodies were armed with the right weapons to fight off what came against them, and you sponsors, provided the weapons. If you ever wonder if your $35 is making a difference, know that is doing more than changing lives, it is saving them!

If you are reading this and you would like to become a sponsor or know someone who would like to, we do have some children who still need sponsors. For more information email

Thank you so much for your giving, you are proof that one person can make a difference!

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