Monday, July 6, 2009


so we are gearing up for our trip to africa next week, we have been so blessed to receive all the donations from everyone, you guys rock!  we have gotten everything from soccer equipment for the kids in tourou, jump ropes, stickers, shampoo, etc, it is awesome!  we are gathering everything up and seeing what we need to get and we are going to start packing it all up.  we have begun to finalize our itinerary and it is shaping up to be a busy 9 days.  to give a quick run down, here are some of the things we will be doing...
  • all day at girls orphanage
  • hygiene kits and bible study with prostitutes
  • well dedication
  • soccer tournament
  • meat market project
  • time in village with kids-soccer outreach
if you have any questions about any of them let me know and i will give you more detail.  fun times here we come!!!

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