Thursday, July 30, 2009

village outreach with the kids

we did very simple outreach within the village and it was so much fun.  because the kids are left to raise themselves once they start walking they are starved for personal attention and love, so they just want to play.  thanks to many donations of stickers, beach balls, jump ropes, and bracelets the outreaches were great.  we would arrive in the village of tourou each day and as we would drive in the kids would yell out, wave, and run after the car ready to play.  the stickers were a big hit with the young mothers and the kids, you would have thought you were giving them big gifts, but because they have nothing anything was a huge deal.  we tried teaching them how to jump rope, which was humorous and not too successful, but fun to watch.  tish and drake, jace's sister and nephew, made bracelets to hand out to the girls, we even had boys asking for them.  they loved them.  the beach balls went over great, they were running all over the place trying to catch them.  we taught them duck duck goose, which became an interesting game of just duck duck and a hard slap on the head.  it was just loving on the kids, letting them enjoy being a kid, and having them forget for just a little bit their situations.  it did not matter that there was a language barrier or that we lived in a completely different world than them, we were there for them and only them at that moment they were our focus and they understood that.  it was amazing, each time we were there it seemed to get better.  

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